"Separate is Not Equal"
The decision of the Supreme Court in 1954 in Brown v. Board of Education marked a turning point for the history of race relations in the United States on the 17th of May. The court had stripped away constitutional sanctions for segregation by race, and made equal opportunity in education on the law of the land. Even though this was a significant stepping stone in our history, it did not end the vicious cycle of racism. In the article, "Separate and Unequal" Bob Herbert states that "long years of evidence shows that poor children of all ethnic backgrounds do better academically when they go to school with their more affluent- that is middle class peers. However schools stay more segregated because of many patterns such as where residence of children. When colored student do transfer to a new school, some feel discrimination by others because students judge them by how different they might be. For example the economic inequalities between social classes affect the student body, one student might judge another student because of the finical background he comes from, the student might not live in a huge house and wear top of the line clothing.
In my personal opinion, I think this unwritten segregation rule we follow is not right. If a young person, white or black or hispanic desires a quality education from a good school they should be given the opportunity without being looked upon as less than equal to other students. The article states a simple solution to this problem, which is these children should attend another more resourceful school. Despite that simple solution, the article, "Separate and Unequal" states there has been 80 instances where the economic segregation brings upon racial and ethnic integration that has caused bitterness. It is fusrating people are not giving others a fair chance, they are simply unwelcoming. It is exactly like when there was an uproar of anger when Barack Obama was elected president because some people believed that America cannot be controlled by a black man. I believe this questions the 13th amendment when i began to read Jocelyn's blog. She states that 13th amendment encompasses that "no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” If we have a rule that states all people should be given equality why do we abuse it, its in our constitution for a reason.
The two videos of Tim Wise continue to explain this point, as the first video's main point is all about rascim's existence, the idea that its easily seen, such as a teacher favoring a white student over a colored student. The idea of a African American who loves to play basketball and has trouble off the courts especially in school. "You have to be exceptional to break that glass ceiling (Tim) to be accepted."The continuation of this video states why accepting to the norm of being white or black. Tim states that being accepted as the black person who is not book smart but great on the basketball court is all based on stereotypes. Using race as an excuse which is not valid because there are many successful colored people as there are white people, for example Martin Luther King was successful just like Abrahma Lincoln was even though they made different accomplishments throughout their lives. In the video it stated that 75% of white people believe that black people live off welfare because they are lazy and unmotivated.
Talking Points
"What is the significance of the 13th amendment when no one seems to use it, people of color should be allowed anywhere whites are welcomed since we are all welcomed."
Tim Wise said "Why can't both black and white people be treated equally because all people are equal?" Can we break though this glass to see the reality of equality?
Hi Emma,
ReplyDeleteI found myself completely agreeing with you when you said that "this unwritten segregation rule we follow is not right." I feel that the segregation of students based on their family's economic situation is unfair for the child. It is unfair that the kids are treated differently due to something that they have no control of. I also thought the pictures that you used were great in getting your point across!
Hi Emma,
ReplyDeleteI thought your blog was very enjoyable to read. You had a lot of good points. In your talking point in the end you raised the question of whether we "Can we break though this glass to see the reality of equality" ? In my opinion this is a great question however it is a hard one to answer. I think that as long as society keeps thinking the way they do, I feel like nothing is going to change.