Sunday, September 22, 2013

Think Piece
Week 4: Naming Social Structure

For the white person who wants to be my friend
By Pat Parker

1) “The first thing you do is to forget that I am black. Second, you must never forget that I am black.”

My color of my skin is only a small part me, I made of many other traits, such as my outgoing personality. The activities I enjoy doing after school, the clubs I am apart of at school. However remember my culture is different since I came from another part of the world so the way I grow up maybe different from yours. It does not mean that is bad but simply opposite from yours. For example, how I speak to my parents and siblings at home might be very blunt and explicit versus the way the implied language I use at school when I speak during class.

2) “You should be able to dig Aretha but don’t play her every time I come over.”

Respect my love of Aretha Franklin music but do not love it because I do. Try to see her talent. However like the kind music you enjoy listening to, do not just like it because I like it. If you like the Beach Boys thats fine. Be yourself because we are entitled to our own opinions.  I can like older music such as Aretha as well as artists that come to fame during our lifetime such as Katy Perry. 

3) “Eat soul food if you liked it, but don’t expect me to locate your restaurants or cook it for you.”

You should not expect that all black people love soul food or know all of the soul food restaurants because do not stereotype that since I am black I would have all of the answers. I may like to eat Italian food and Chinese food.  I might enjoy soul food, despite that no matter the background we come from all of us need exposure to other cultures. We grow up into a diverse world, we should not be shocked by it instead we should be able to embrace it.

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